Shelby County Shooting Sports Association (SCSSA) is pleased to announce our Spring 2025 Basic Rifle course to be held at our range at 574 Elvira Rd; Helena, AL 35080.
The course is an NRA Basic Rifle course. It will begin at 8 AM on Saturday, April 12, 2025. We will meet 8 AM – 12 Noon for 3 consecutive Saturdays.
The course covers rifle safety, rifle parts and function, ammunition, and fundamentals of marksmanship, as well as the Benchrest, Prone, and Standing shooting positions. Common rifle types will be covered. Some of the live fire will be completed using target air rifles, but, .22 caliber rifles will also be used during the course.
This course is primarily for youths ages 12 and up.
The course meets the requirements for the Scouts BSA Rifle Merit Badge. It also meets most of the requirements for the Trail Life Rifle Badge. Additional classroom or range time may be required to complete these badges.
– Cost for the course is $70. Everything needed for the course is provided. Space is limited.
– To register go to:
or search Search for Basic Rifle in Alabama. We are the one in Helena.
For more information visit our website at or contact the me at [email protected].
The Shelby County Shooting Sports Association is pleased to announce our upcoming Introduction to Rimfire Sporter clinic. This Clinic is opened to all men and women aged 12 and up. The clinic will include both classroom instruction, live fire exercises and will conclude with a 30 shot Rimfire Sporter practice match. The clinic will be supplemented with a Sanctioned 60 shot RFS Match on the subsequent Tuesday night.
Rimfire Sporter is a discipline within the CMP Games Program. It is fired with 22 rimfire rifles from 3 positions in both slow and rapid fire stages. It is low cost and invites competition at all skill levels.
CMP Rules will apply and Tuesday Night scores will be posted to the CMP Competition Tracker
Participation in both the clinic and the competition will meet two of the requirements needed to purchase surplus rifles through the CMP Sales program.
Dates: Clinic will be Saturday, March 22 beginning at 9:00 AM, finishing around 4:00 PM
Sanctioned match will be held Tuesday, March 25 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Cost: Cost for the Clinic will be $40 dollars and includes lunch and ammunition.
Cost for the Sanctioned Match will be $15 and will include ammunition
Location: Shelby County Shooting Sports Association range at 575 Elvira Road; Helena, AL
Awards: CMP Certificates will be awarded for successful completion of the Clinic Program.
CMP Medals will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places in both Youth (12 to 18) and Adult divisions. CMP Achievement Awards will also be presented
Instruction will be provided by CMP GSSM Master instructors.
To register, please provide the following:
Phone Number
CMP Competitor ID Number (If you do not have one please go to – Competition Tracker and obtain one.)
Send to SCSSA, 574 Elvira Rd., Helena, Alabama 35080 or email to [email protected].
Payment may be made in advance or the morning of the clinic. Please arrive 15 minutes early.
Download the 2025 Dixie Challenge Match Programs Below
Shelby County Shooting Sports Association (SCSSA) is pleased to announce two Fall 2024 Youth Rifle programs. Both programs will be held at our range located at 574 Elvira Rd; Helena, AL 35080.
The programs are:
1. Fall Beginning BB Program for ages 8-13
- Fall Basic Rifle course for ages 10-19
Fall Beginning BB Program
- This program teaches basic rifle safety and marksmanship for students ages 8 through 13. Students will learn about firearms of various types while having fun learning to shoot competition BB guns.
- The program starts Thursday, September 5, 2024 and meet each Thursday, 6-8 PM.
- The program ends with a BB Competition on Saturday, Dec. 14, 2024.
- Everything needed is provided. Cost is $65.
- To register, send email with child’s name and age along with parents name, address, and phone number to [email protected].
Fall Basic Rifle Course
- This is an NRA Basic Rifle course. The course will begin at 8 AM on Saturday, September 7, 2024. We will meet 8 AM – 12 Noon for 3 consecutive Saturdays.
- The course covers rifle safety, rifle parts and function, ammunition, and fundamentals of marksmanship, as well as the Benchrest, Prone, and Standing shooting positions. Common rifle types will be covered. Much of the live fire will be completed using target air rifles, but, .22 caliber rifles will also be used during the course. It will include an introduction to International Olympic / NCAA type shooting as well as CMP Rimfire Sporter competition.
- This course is primarily for youths ages 12 – 19. Younger students may attend with instructor permission. Adults may be accepted if space allows.
- The course meets and exceeds the requirements for the Scouts BSA Rifle Merit Badge.
– Cost for the course is $70. Everything needed for the course is provided. Space is limited.
- To register for the Basic Rifle course go to:
or go to and search for NRA Basic Rifle Course in Alabama. If there is more than one course, we are the one in Helena, AL. For more information or please send inquiries to [email protected].
Sam Richardson
SCSSA is excited to announce a new program. We will be holding a CMP Rimfire Sporter Clinic. The Clinic is a beginning rifle program that introduces students to the 3-position CMP Rimfire Sporter event using bolt or semi-automatic rifles chambered for the 22LR cartridge.
Topics covered are rifle safety; rifle parts and operation; ammunition function and potential malfunctions; fundamentals of marksmanship; and prone, sitting, and standing firing positions.
This is a hands on classroom and live fire program which culminates with an informal Rimfire Sporter competition.
The program is designed for participants age 12 and up (or instructor permission). Parents are encouraged to attend and participate with their child. Adults are welcome to participate.
No experience necessary. Participants may bring their own Standard velocity 22LR ammunition and rifles. Ammunition will be available at the clinic.
Here are the details:
When: Saturday, July 27
Time: 8 AM to 5 PM
Where: SCSSA Indoor range at 574 Elvira Rd; Helena, AL
Age Requirement: minimum age 12 (or instructor permission), adults welcome
Cost: Individual $35
Parent/child pair $60
Information: or email [email protected]
Registration: To register, send e-mail with participant(s) name, age, address, phone, and email address to Sam Richardson at [email protected].
Notes: Participants may bring their own 22LR rifles and ammunition, but, rifles and ammo will be available at the event. Please let us know if a rifle is needed when registering. Hearing and eye protection required and will be provided.
SCSSA is excited to announce our 2024 Summer BB Camp schedule. The camps teach rifle safety and marksmanship for children ages 8-13. Children have fun shooting competition BB guns while learning from our youth rifle team and certified instructors & coaches. Everything needed for the camp is provided.
This year there will be 3 camp dates to choose from – Saturday(s); June 15, July 20, & August 17. Choose the dates you want to attend.
Here are the details:
When: Saturday(s); June 15, July 20, & August 17
Time: 8 AM to Noon
Where: 574 Elvira Rd; Helena, AL
Age Requirement: Ages 8-13
Cost: $25 per camp
Information: or email [email protected]
Registration: To register, send e-mail with child’s name, age, and t’shirt size w/parents address, phone, and email address to Sam Richardson at [email protected].
**Volunteers Needed**
SCSSA has several events coming up in which the club will need volunteers to make these events successful. if you would like the help club in one or more of these events, please contact Sam on the home page or the contact’s page.
SCSSA is pleased to announce the 2024 Dixie Challenge and Dixie BB programs. This year’s Dixie Challenge will have the following events on the dates listed:
Saturday, February 3, 2024; CMP Anniston, AL
– 3P 3 x 20 Air Rifle Cup Match
– Standing Air Rifle, 60 Shot Match
– PPP and International Air Pistol Match
Saturday, February 10, 2024; SCSSA Helena, AL
– Dixie BB’s
Saturday, February 17, 2024; SCSSA Helena, AL
– 3-Position Smallbore
– CMP Rimfire Sporter
Programs for the event are attached. For more information send an email to [email protected].
We hope to see you there.
Sam Richardson
Shelby County Shooting Sports Association
Use the links to download the registration forms.